Here are some easy to reach waterfalls that I have visited in Japan in steep, hilly terrain close to two major cities. One is in Kobe and one is in Kyoto and I can recommend
both for waterfall seekers visiting Japan.
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Within walking distance of the popular Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, this constructed weir across the Katsura River (Ooi River) creates a couple of metre
drop across the full width of the river. The weir can be viewed from the historic Togetsukyo Bridge…

Located a short walk from the Shin-Kobe bullet train station, the combination of the Nunobiki waterfall cluster, the Kobe Herb Garden, and the cable car ride up the mountain
with views of both, makes for an excellent half-day or full-day adventure in Kobe…
All waterfall, river, and place names are based on the roman alphabet spelling of those locations. Sometimes there may be different versions of that spelling, or even different
names given to places, beyond what I have listed them as. I hope you enjoy your stay in Japan and find the time to visit at least one of these spots.