Where is the closest accommodation to
Killen Falls, Tintenbar? Here are my nearby camping, homestay, and hotel suggestions and their distance to the falls.
All distances below are by road to the car park at the start of the walk to the falls.
Above: Killen Falls
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Accommodation close to Killen Falls:
The nearest accommodation that I could find were two properties on Killen Falls Drive, both within walking distance of the falls. "The Falls" is high priced, luxury accommodation with a stunning 15 metre lap pool that
is integrated into the house design. "Meadow" is a more basic, but also more affordably priced option on the other side of the road, with views of Emigrant Creek Dam from the balcony.
The approximate distance from the falls in the table below is from the property entrance to the Killen Falls car park.
Above: There is no camping at the Killen Falls viewing platform
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Accommodation in the closest large town (Ballina):
Whilst there are a few villages that are closer to the falls (e.g. Tintenbar, Newrybar), the nearest sizeable town to Killen Falls by road is Ballina, which is roughly 15 km by road to the south.
For those who would prefer to stay within easy reach of the falls but closer to amenities in town, here are three accommodation options within walking distance of the shops and restaurants of the
main street of Ballina (River St), as well as walking distance to the Richmond River.
Caravan and Camping Accommodation for Killen Falls:
There is no camping at Killen Falls. There are several caravan parks along the coast from Ballina to Lennox Head, all within easy driving distance to the falls.
There are no national park campgrounds within easy distance of the falls.
Above: The bench seats to stop for a rest at the start of the walk to Killen Falls, but camping is not permitted here
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More information about Killen Falls:
If you have arrived at this accommodation web page directly, you can find out more about Killen Falls in my
guide to Killen Falls. I hope
you enjoy your stay here.