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Fairy Falls, Cairns QLD
Waterfall Seasons - The Waterfall Guide

The enclosed grotto with gnarly tree roots, small ferns and moss growing down the surrounding rock face give Fairy Falls an air of magic and mystique. The walk to the falls is not however without its risks. Fairy Falls Above: Fairy Falls (Order this image)

Fairy Falls is the enchanting, but better concealed and therefore less well known waterfall sibling of Crystal Cacades in Redlynch, on the outskirts of Cairns. Both of these waterfalls are in the forests around Freshwater Creek, and both are accessible from the Crystal Cascades car park.
But whilst there is a large, ornate gate announcing the start of the wide, bitumen path to Crystal Cascades, at the start of the walk to Fairy Falls there is only a little dirt path through a gap in the rainforest, and warning signs about the dangers that could lie ahead. These include the possibility of encountering the notorious stinging tree along a path that is not maintained by the local council. Fairy Falls Above: The sign at the start of the walk to Fairy Falls (Order this image)

Surprisingly, the track was well worn and well frequented when I visited, with little vegetation encroaching on the path. Whilst I wore long pants and sturdy shoes, and would recommend both, I did see several people in nothing more than bikinis and a pair of thongs. This probably seemed like a good idea until the track stopped and visitors were forced to walk up or alongside the creek bed, over lots of uneven rocks.
If you want to go up to the tiny waterfall pool to the main falls, above the rock cascade, it is an awkward scramble up the damp and angled rock face. Whilst conditions may change, after trying different routes, I found going up the right hand side of the cascade less precarious than going up the left hand side. At times I felt uneasy, with a misplaced step or lack of concentration having the potential to result in a slip and fall. Fairy Falls Above: The track to Fairy Falls (Order this image)

There is very little space in the pool, but if you are by yourself or with maybe one or two friends or family, it is quite charming and cosy. Water rushes in from overhead, with views downstream along the creek bed to the gully below, through a narrow window between the tall rock walls. I did not see any fairies here, but would not be surprised if you do.
Your Seasonal Guide:
Best Time of Year to Visit:Best Time of Day to Visit:
Any time of year is fine, but avoid visiting after heavy rainfall when it could be hazardous to walk up the creek bed and cascade Visit in the afternoon to see light on the falls and cascade
Other Information Before You Go:
Location:At the end of Redlynch Intake Road, Redlynch, 19 km (approx. 20 minute drive) west of Cairns.
Latitude:-16.962008 Longitude:145.679664
Getting there: From Cairns, head north along the Cairns Western Arterial Road (route 91) to the Redlynch Connection Road. Turn left at the roundabout onto the Redlynch Intake Road and follow it all the way to the end, where you will find the Crystal Cascades car park. From the southern end of the car park, follow the path next to the "Beware stinging tree" sign for a few hundred metres. At the fork in the path, take the path to the left that continues along the left hand side of the creek, rather than the path that leads down to the creek. As described above, at the end of the walk it is a short scramble along the creek bed to the falls.

Water source: Dowah Creek
Approx. height: 5-10 metres in total, with the main falls about half of that
Approx. width: 1 metre at the main falls, but broadens out to several metres at the downstream cascade
Approx. length: 10 metres
Swimming available at the falls: Yes. Here is more info about my swim
Facilities: At the car park there are change rooms, toilets, and rubbish bins. At the start of the walk to nearby Crystal Cascades, there are sheltered and unsheltered picnic tables, a drinking fountain, and sheltered public bbqs. There are no facilities at the falls themselves.
Entrance fee: None
Opening times: Always open
Sun shade: Shade available along the track to the falls and at the falls.
Wheelchair access: None to the falls, but there is a wheelchair accessible toilet and the path to the picnic area on the way to nearby Crystal Cascades is wheelchair accessible.
Prohibitions including whether you can bring your dog: No dogs, no littering, no fires, no alcohol, no bikes, no motorbikes, children must be supervised.
Managing authority: Cairns Regional Council
Nearby attractions: Crystal Cascades, which can be reached from the same car park as Fairy Falls, but along a different path.
Before you head out, make sure you read the waterfall safety information and check with the managing authority for any current change of conditions. Specific to this site, the managing authority advises that the path to the falls and the falls themselves are not maintained by Council, so beware of hazards and your surroundings. There is also a warning about the stinging tree, which can cause severe pain and distress if stung.
Locality Map:
The marker indicates the approximate location of the car park at the start of the path to the falls. If the map is not zoomed in locally, as can sometimes occur when loading, simply click or tap on "View Larger Map" below.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
How long is the walk to Fairy Falls? It is about a 300-400 metre walk from the car park to the falls.

How high is the waterfall at Fairy Falls? I estimate that the falls above the pool are around 8-10 metres high, with a cascade several metres high below the pool.

Are there toilets at Fairy Falls? No, there are no toilets at Fairy Falls, but there are toilets back at the car park, 300-400 metres away.

Can I bring my dog to Fairy Falls? No, dogs are not permitted at Fairy Falls.

Are there any fairies at Fairy Falls? It is hard to say. The falls look magical and the surrounding forest is lush and mysterious.

If you have any other questions not answered above, leave a comment for me using the comment box below.
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