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Waterfalls in Queensland
Waterfall Seasons - The Waterfall Guide

Lush rainforest and chalky drops, here is my guide to waterfalls in Queensland. Find out the best time to visit with this seasonal guide, compiled using my hydrologic knowledge. I have personally visited and photographed all of the waterfalls on this website, which in Queensland at the current time consists of waterfalls on the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. Waterfall Seasons of Queensland - The Waterfall Guide Above: The up close view from under the ledge of Serenity Falls on the Sunshine Coast (Order this image)
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Sunshine Coast:

Gardners Falls, Maleny

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Gardners Falls Gardners Falls consists of two short drops, separated by a 40 metre long flat rock shelf in between, that allows you to listen to the falls in stereo sound. Flow at this waterfall has been reliable over the last few decades, with the exception of recent very dry summers…

Serenity Falls, Buderim

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Serenity Falls (aka Buderim Falls) A fine silver curtain of water falls delicately into a rock chasm surrounded by the lush rainforest of the Buderim Forest Park on the Sunshine Coast. With car parks at either end, find out which is the best place to start your walk to the falls…

Wappa Falls, Yandina

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Wappa Falls Regular spills from a dam directly upstream make this an at times powerful twin waterfall in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. Time your visit to occur when the upstream dam is spilling to see this white and tan frothing cauldron in action…
Far North Queensland:

Clamshell Falls, near Gordonvale

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Clamshell Falls A multi-tiered waterfall at the end of a long, undulating bitumen path, with majestic views for around 300 metres from the base of the cascade to the top, as well as the opportunity to scramble down onto the rock shelf to view the main drop on the top tier…

Crystal Cascades, Cairns

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Crystal Cascades, Cairns One of the more popular inland attractions around Cairns, you can wander along the all-weather creekside path to watch the water bounce in and out of various cascades, before reaching a several metre high waterfall with its own natural pool…

Davies Creek Falls, near Mareeba

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Davies Creek Falls, Mareeba Hold on tight to the guide rail as gravity propels you towards the little fence bolted onto the edge of a granite cliff, over which you can follow each drop of water as it cascades down from the lip of the falls to the little pool way down below…

Ellinjaa Falls, Millaa Millaa

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Ellinjaa Falls, Millaa Millaa One of three waterfalls along the Theresa Creek Road waterfall circuit, this dome-shaped black basalt block waterfall lies deep in a pocket of rainforest, with a shallow waterfall pool underneath, around 100 metres from the visitor car park…

Fairy Falls, Cairns

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Fairy Falls, Cairns A little bit magical, a little bit mystical, hidden away along a path that is unwelcoming to visitors, Fairy Falls has a small horsetail waterfall that flows into a tiny pool, elevated above a broader cascade. Will you meet any fairies here in this dark, enchanted forest…

Josephine Falls, Bartle Frere

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Josephine Falls Famous for its natural rock slide into the bottom pool, the infrastructure at Josephine Falls is well set up with an elevated viewing platform, access steps to the water, and an emergency flood warning system that I saw in action…

Malanda Falls, Malanda

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Malanda Falls An unique mix of natural and built environment at this picnic-friendly spot on the North Johnstone River on the edge of town, with terraced lawns overlooking the waterfall and a municipal river pool built directly beneath it, and a towering bank of rainforest on the opposite side…

Millaa Millaa Falls, Millaa Millaa

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Millaa Millaa Falls This is the main drawcard along the Theresa Creek Road waterfall circuit near Millaa Millaa, with a strong, tall, and straight waterfall that commands your attention as it plunges over a basalt column cliff into a large waterfall pool below…

Zillie Falls, Millaa Millaa

Waterfall Seasons - Guide to Zillie Falls This waterfall, also along the Theresa Creek Road waterfall circuit, is not great for viewing, so the experience is more about closing your eyes and listening, and then opening them again to wonder where all that water at the top of the falls is disappearing to…

If you are planning a visit to Queensland, the wet season in the tropics runs roughly from November to March when it can be very wet, with the occasional cyclone, noting that in the wet tropics it can still rain heavily outside of these months. Rainfall in southern Queensland is more variable, and can occur at any time of year but is generally less intense. Waterfalls in Queensland are mostly located along the Great Dividing Range near the coast, and can be found along its length.

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